

- 180 minutes return

- Drive to the trail head 60 minutes away

- Sustained steep incline 45 - 60 degrees

- Granite rocks at the peak

- Expansive view of Negeri Sembilan to the straits of Malacca


In our minds the most beautiful view of any mountain in peninsular (west) Malaysia. The bare granite summit (unusual for a mountain this low) allows the climber to view a panoramic view of the surrounding valley and plains of Negeri Sembilan all the way to the Straits of Malacca. It is even possible to see Melaka city on a clear day.

The early ascent is a very sustained steep angle 45 to 60 degrees with several sections needing a scramble on rocks with your hands. After the first initial steep incline, the ascent levels off a bit to a less severe 30 degrees for the rest of the way until just before the summit when it again becomes steeper to about 45 to 60 degrees


  1. A little bit more challenging than Gunung Angsi but not overly so and a reasonably healthy person can do this climb in less than an hour and a half. The view will be all worth the small struggle of the ascent.
  2. As you can quite easily do this yourself without any guide, there is no need to book this excursion and you can do it yourself anytime you like.